Continuous data protection
Data Safe Deposit’s advanced continuous data protection (CDP) technology captures every version of a file that has been saved to your hard drive. With CDP, even if your hard drive crashes completely after you have worked for a full day without invoking backup manually yourself, the saved copy of your working files will still be intact on the backup server. It provides a highly dependable means of real-time, continuous data protection for servers, desktops, and laptops effortlessly and transparently, without any human intervention.
The virtue of backup is to make copies of critical data so that these additional copies can be used to restore the original following a data-loss disaster. With Data Safe Deposit, data will be copied, compressed, 128-bit / 256-bit encrypted and finally uploaded to a remote server located offsite through Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). These backed up data are 100% restorable to their original formats, when needed, by simply clicking a few buttons.
All platforms and common databases supported
Data Safe Deposit supports all leading operating systems which can run Java2 Runtime Environment 1.4.2 or above, which are essentially all operating systems, including Windows, Linux, Mac, NetWare, NAS devices, etc. Besides, Data Safe Deposit comes with modules specially designed for backing up common database applications, including Microsoft Exchange Server, Microsoft SQL Server, Lotus Notes/Domino, Oracle and MySQL. If the databases or applications you are using in-house are not listed here, our extensible and easily configurable command line tools enable you to add custom backup logics to basic backup operation through simple scripting.
In-File Delta incremental/differential backup
Our seed load and In-File Delta incremental/differential backup technologies enable backup of a large volume of data to be completed in a very short period of time. During your first backup, you can use this seed load feature to back up a large volume of data to a local hard drive and send that hard drive to us. With our proprietary in-file delta technology, the original file is required to be backed up once only, i.e. in the first backup job. Subsequently, only the changes within the file made since the previous backup are necessary to be backed up.
For example, for a file that is as large as 500GB, you can simply seed load the full backup to a removable local hard drive and then deliver the hard drive to us. This way, your first backup is completed. Subsequently, as only the changes made within the 500GB file, normally less than 1%, i.e. 5GB, of the original file size, are required to be backed up again, this amount of data can be backed up easily to the server via the Internet or Intranet in one night. As a result, instead of having to back up 500GB everyday, you just need to back up 5GB everyday to keep the file up-to-date on the backup server.
Backup individual mail in Microsoft Exchange Server
Microsoft Exchange Server is one of the most popular email servers used by businesses of any size. Data Safe Deposit’s built-in Microsoft Exchange Server Backup Module allows you to back up all critical data within Microsoft Exchange Server, including individual email, calendar, and contact list, etc. This capability makes Data Safe Deposit an ideal backup tool for Microsoft Exchange Server.
Back up Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Outlook Express
Microsoft Exchange Server is one of the most popular email servers used by businesses of any size. Data Safe Deposit’s built-in Microsoft Exchange Server Backup Module allows you to back up all critical data within Microsoft Exchange Server, including individual email, calendar, and contact list, etc. This capability makes Data Safe Deposit an ideal backup tool for Microsoft Exchange Server.
Easy to use and manage
After the initial setup of our client-side backup application, backup jobs will be run automatically every day without requiring human effort. Restore operation can be done in just a few clicks when needed. Moreover, we always keep users updated by sending out comprehensive backup reports via email on a daily basis.
Limited cost, unlimited protection
Once Data Safe Deposit is deployed in your company, your invaluable data are protected against virus, theft, environmental impact, hardware failure, and accidental deletion, etc. While the cost of investing in Data Safe Deposit is limited, the value of critical business data it protects and the potential benefits you can derive from these data are enormous and unlimited. Data Safe Deposit is a proven solution with more than 700,000 installations worldwide. It is a highly useful product on which you can rely to safeguard your business interests and put your mind at ease at the maximum comfort level.